Want Some Smoke? Hypnosmoke 1

Oregonleatherboy bearded blowing thick cigar smoke in blue Versace leather jacket

Want Some Smoke?

Oregonleatherboy wearing leather hat shirtless blows smoke in direction of camera for adults over 18 years GIF 1/2

Oregonleatherboy bearded blowing thick cigar smoke in blue Versace leather jacket

Hypnosmoke is using smoke to hypnotize 

Oregonleatherboy wearing leather hat shirtless blows smoke in direction of camera hypnosmoke Animationothers with a few different methods all seem very effective at subjugation.

Oregonleatherboy bearded blowing thick cigar smoke in blue Versace leather jacket

Oregonleatherboy black and white wearing leather hat blowing smoke hypnosmoke

Oregonleatherboy OLB Spiral Black and White logo-ish Art Design